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manual:uart_demo [2014/07/24 16:15]
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-====== Firmware updates using the UART communication interface ====== 
-===== Bootloader configuration ===== 
-In order to perform firmware updates with the OpenBLT through the UART communication interface, double-check that this communication interface is configured in "​blt_conf.h"​. The following macro should have a value of 1. If this macro did not yet have a value of 1, the bootloader should be rebuild after making the change. 
-#define BOOT_COM_UART_ENABLE ​           (1) 
-===== Preparing Microboot ===== 
-The Microboot utility needs to be configured to connect to the correct COM-port and to communication at the correct baudrate: 
-  * Start Microboot by double-clicking "​\Host\**MicroBoot.exe**"​. 
-  * Click the "​**Settings**"​-button and select "​**OpenBLT using UART**"​ from the dropdown box. 
-  * Click the "​**Options**"​-button to configure the communication parameters. 
-    * Select the PC's **COM-port** that the board is connected to. 
-    * Set the baudrate to the value specified by macro BOOT_COM_UART_BAUDRATE in "​blt_conf.h"​. Typically, this is **57600** bits/sec for the demo programs. 
-Once you saved the settings by clicking the "​**OK**"​-button twice, Microboot is now ready for action! 
-===== Downloading the user program ===== 
-After building your user program, its S-record formatted firmware file can be downloaded to the remaining flash memory using the bootloader. In **Microboot** click the "​**Browse**"​-button and select your user program'​s firmware file. For the demo programs, this one is located in the "​.\**Prog**\bin\"​ directory. Once the firmware file was selected, the download should automatically start. ​ 
-Once the download completed, the newly programmed software will be started by the bootloader. For the demo program'​s you can verify this by checking that the LED blinks. Congratulations! That's all there is to using the bootloader. 
-===== Notes ===== 
-Depending on the configuration of the bootloader, there might be a delay between a system reset and the actual start of the user program. This is needed by design for the bootloader'​s backdoor functionality. Check configurable BACKDOOR_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_MS in "​blt_conf.h"​ for the exact delay time. 
manual/uart_demo.1406211305.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/24 22:11 (external edit)