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Supported firmware update interfaces

No No Yes No No

Development Environment

This demo is targeted towards the Olimex STM32H103 board, with 128 kB internal Flash EEPROM and 20 kB internal RAM.

This header board is a small version of the Olimex STM32P103, however it does not have a UART or CAN connector, but a USB connector. Therefore, the OpenBLT demo for this board features bootloading over USB. Note that this demo is compatible with the STM32P103 board as well.

To program the bootloader into the internal flash on the STM32F103 microcontroller, the Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H JTAG interface was used in combination with OpenOCD 0.4.0. However, this is not required if you have another means of programming the internal flash.

To compile the demo programs you can use the IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM development environment.

Building and programming the Bootloader

Before the bootloader can be used, it needs to be built and programmed into the STM32F103's internal flash memory. The steps in this section only need to be done once.

When using IAR EWARM, simply open the workspace from within the Embedded Workbench. The workspace file (stm32f103.eww) is located at: \Target\Demo\ARMCM3_STM32F1_Olimex_STM32H103_IAR\Boot\ide\. Once opened, select Project→Rebuild All from the menu to compile all the bootloader sources and link the together into the final executable.

The bootloader program is now ready to be programmed into the internal flash memory of the STM32F103. Using your favorite programmer, flash the bootloader using one of the following files, depending on what file type your programmer supports:

  • \Target\Demo\ARMCM3_STM32F1_Olimex_STM32H103_IAR\Boot\bin\openbtl_olimex_stm32h103.out
  • \Target\Demo\ARMCM3_STM32F1_Olimex_STM32H103_IAR\Boot\bin\openbtl_olimex_stm32h103.srec

Building the Demo Program

When using IAR EWARM, simply open the workspace from within the Embedded Workbench. The workspace file (stm32f103.eww) is located at: \Target\Demo\ARMCM3_STM32F1_Olimex_STM32H103_IAR\Prog\ide\. Once opened, select Project→Rebuild All from the menu to compile all the demo program sources and link the together into the final executable.

The output file is

  • \Target\Demo\ARMCM3_STM32F1_Olimex_STM32H103_IAR\Prog\bin\demoprog_olimex_stm32h103.srec

Firmware update procedure

To download the demo program \Target\Demo\ARMCM3_STM32F1_Olimex_STM32H103_IAR\Prog\bin\demoprog_olimex_stm32h103.srec using the bootloader, follow the instructions in the following links, depending on the communication interface you intend to use:

manual/demos/olimex_stm32h103_iar.1477307729.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/24 22:13 (external edit)