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Firmware updates using the CAN communication interface

Bootloader configuration

In order to perform firmware updates with the OpenBLT through the CAN communication interface, double-check that this communication interface is configured in “blt_conf.h”. The following macro should have a value of 1. If this macro did not yet have a value of 1, the bootloader should be rebuild after making the change.

#define BOOT_COM_CAN_ENABLE            (1)

Preparing Microboot

The Microboot utility needs to be configured to connect to the correct CAN interface on the PC:

  • Start Microboot by double-clicking “\Host\MicroBoot.exe” (on Linux it is “\Host\MicroBoot”).
  • Click the “Settings”-button and select “XCP on CAN” from the “Interface selection” dropdown box
  • Select the CAN communication device that your PC uses to connect to the CAN bus.
  • Select the channel you intend to use on the CAN communication device, if applicable.
  • Set the baudrate to the value specified by macro BOOT_COM_CAN_BAUDRATE in “blt_conf.h”. Typically, this is 500 kbits/sec for the demo programs.
  • Set the Transmit ID as a hexadecimal value. This is the value specified by macro BOOT_COM_CAN_RX_MSG_ID in “blt_conf.h”.
  • Set the Receive ID as a hexadecimal value. This is the value specified by macro BOOT_COM_CAN_TX_MSG_ID in “blt_conf.h”.
  • If the Transmit/Receive ID's are 29-bit instead of the default 11-bit, make sure to check the “29-bit extended CAN identifiers”-checkbox.

Once you saved the settings by clicking the “OK”-button, Microboot is now ready for action!

Downloading the user program

After building your user program, its S-record formatted firmware file can be downloaded to the remaining flash memory using the bootloader. In Microboot click the “Browse”-button and select your user program's firmware file. For the demo programs, this one is located in the “.\Prog\bin\” directory. Once the firmware file was selected, the download should automatically start.

Once the download completed, the newly programmed software will be started by the bootloader. For the demo program's you can verify this by checking that the LED blinks. Congratulations! That's all there is to using the bootloader.


Depending on the configuration of the bootloader, there might be a delay between a system reset and the actual start of the user program. This is needed by design for the bootloader's backdoor functionality. Check configurable BOOT_BACKDOOR_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_MS in “blt_conf.h” for the exact delay time.

When using the Lawicel CANUSB interface, the 32-bit driver for the CANUSB DLL API should be installed.

manual/can_demo.1530622833.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/24 22:11 (external edit)