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ARM-CM33 STM32 Nucleo-U575ZI GCC

Supported firmware update interfaces

RS232 CAN USB TCP/IP SD-card Modbus RTU
Yes Yes Yes No No No

Development Environment

This demo is targeted towards the Nucleo-U575ZI board, with 2048 kB internal Flash EEPROM and 786 kB internal RAM.

To build the demo programs you can use the GNU ARM Embedded toolchain.

To program the bootloader into the internal flash, the on-board ST-Link debugger interface was used. Firmware updates via the serial communication port are preconfigured to use the virtual COM-port offered by the ST-Link. This means that no additional hardware is needed, besides a standard micro-USB cable.

Toolchain configuration

The demo programs are configured for building with a Makefile. Before attempting to perform a build, update the location of the toolchain binaries (i.e. arm-none-eabi-gcc) in the Makefile. It is set in variable TOOL_PATH. If the toolchain binaries are available on the path, then the TOOL_PATH variable can be left empty.

It is assumed that tools such as GNU make and rm are installed and available on the path. For (Ubuntu) Linux users this can be achieved by running command: sudo apt-get install build-essential. Windows users can install the GNU MCU Eclipse Windows Build Tools.

Building and programming the Bootloader

Before the bootloader can be used, it needs to be built and programmed into the STM32U575's internal flash memory. The steps in this section only need to be done once.

To build the bootloader, open a command prompt in directory \Target\Demo\ARMCM33_STM32U5_Nucleo_U575ZI_GCC\Boot\ and run the command:

make clean all

The expected output is:

+++ Cleaning build environment
+++ Clean complete
+++ Assembling [startup_stm32u575zitxq.s]
+++ Compiling [hooks.c]
+++ Compiling [main.c]
+++ Linking [openblt_stm32u575.elf]
+++ Build complete [openblt_stm32u575.srec]

The bootloader program is now ready to be programmed into the internal flash memory of the STM32U575. Using your favorite programmer (i.e. OpenOCD or STM32CubeProg), flash the bootloader using one of the following files, depending on what file type your programmer supports:

  • \Target\Demo\ARMCM33_STM32U5_Nucleo_U575ZI_GCC\Boot\bin\openblt_stm32u575.elf
  • \Target\Demo\ARMCM33_STM32U5_Nucleo_U575ZI_GCC\Boot\bin\openblt_stm32u575.srec

Building the Demo Program

To build the user program, open a command prompt in directory \Target\Demo\ARMCM33_STM32U5_Nucleo_U575ZI_GCC\Prog\ and run the command:

make clean all

The expected output is:

+++ Cleaning build environment
+++ Clean complete
+++ Assembling [startup_stm32u575zitxq.s]
+++ Compiling [timer.c]
+++ Compiling [main.c]
+++ Linking [demoprog_stm32u575.elf]
+++ Build complete [demoprog_stm32u575.srec]

The output file is:

  • \Target\Demo\ARMCM33_STM32U5_Nucleo_U575ZI_GCC\Prog\bin\demoprog_stm32u575.srec

Firmware update procedure

To download the demo program \Target\Demo\ARMCM33_STM32U5_Nucleo_U575ZI_GCC\Prog\bin\demoprog_stm32u575.srec using the bootloader, follow the instructions in the following links, depending on the communication interface you intend to use:

manual/demos/nucleo_u575zi_gcc.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/04 22:37 by voorburg