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This demo is targeted towards the NXP S32K118 EVB board, with 256 kB internal Flash EEPROM and 25 kB internal RAM.
To program the bootloader into the internal flash on the S32K118 microcontroller, the on-board OpenSDA debugger interface was used. However, this is not required if you have another means of programming the internal flash.
To compile the demo programs you can use the S32 Design Studio IDE.
When performing updates via CAN, make sure to configure the board such that it is powered with a 12V power source (jumper J107), instead of via USB, otherwise the CAN transceiver on the board is not powered.
Two demo projects are included in the OpenBLT bootloader package. One for the bootloader itself and one for the demo user program. This user program is configured such that it can be programmed, into the internal flash memory of the microcontroller, during a firmware update with the bootloader.
The first step in getting the the bootloader up-and-running, is the creation of the Eclipse workspace in S32 Design Studio. After starting S32 Design Studio, you are prompted to open a workspace. It is easiest to create a new one in the following directory: .\Target\Demo\ARMCM0_S32K11_S32K118EVB_GCC\
To import the demo programs into the workspace, select File → Import from the program menu. Then select General → Existing Projects into Workspace. On the next screen you select the following directory as the root directory: .\Target\Demo\ARMCM0_S32K11_S32K118EVB_GCC\. Eclipse will automatically find the Boot and Prog projects and select them:
Click the Finish button to complete the project import operation.
Before the bootloader can be used, it needs to be built and programmed into the S32K118's internal flash memory. The steps in this section only need to be done once.
Right-click the Boot project in the Project Explorer and select Refresh from the popup menu. Next, right-click the Boot project again and this time select Build Project from the popup menu. This compiles all the bootloader sources and links them together into the final executable.
The bootloader program is now ready to be programmed into the internal flash memory of the S32K118 microcontroller. Make sure the S32K118 EVB board is powered up and connected to your PC via a USB cable. Next, select Run → Debug from the menu to flash the bootloader program. This will launch the Debug perspective in Eclipse. Once done, you can start the bootloader program by selecting Run → Resume from the menu.
Alternatively, you can use your favorite programmer to flash the bootloader using one of the following files, depending on what file type your programmer supports:
Note that after closing the debug session in Eclipse, the on-board OpenSDA interface halts the CPU. If you want to continue running the bootloader program, a reset of the microcontroller is needed. This is achieved disconnecting and then reconnecting the power to the board.
Right-click the Prog project in the Project Explorer and select Refresh from the popup menu. Next, right-click the Prog project again and this time select Build Project from the popup menu. This compiles all the user program sources and links them together into the final executable.
The output file is
To download the demo program \Target\Demo\ARMCM0_S32K11_S32K118EVB_GCC\Prog\Debug\demoprog_s32k118.srec using the bootloader, follow the instructions in the following links, depending on the communication interface you intend to use: